CASHMAG 5T automatic cash recycler

CASHMAG 5T automatic cash recycler

Cash recycler instantaneous!

Easy, Efficient and Fast

Monnayeur de caisse automatique CASHMAG 5T

Cash recycler 5T

Cash recycler without any constraint

The CASHMAG 5T is the cash recycler of the local shop who want simple, fast and directly operational cash management. To answer this question, the 5T is simply connected to your POS with a plug and play technology. CASHMAG CONNECT allows efficient implementation of cash management in all kinds of shops and activities ! It takes only some square centimeters on your ground and is strongly fixed to guarantee your money, customers and employees security. Saving time on your daily cash management tasks thanks to the automation of counting and cash flow.

The control tower of your cashing

The 5T is pure concentrated technologies in a vertical design. It’s the control tower of your cashing. It integrated all CASHMAG’s innovations in cash management: smart change algorithm, automatic break managementas well as compatibility with the CASHMAG VCR application which allows emulation of stopped modules.

And always, fast change up to 4 seconds, a very large stock capacity until 800 banknotes and 4.000 coins, detection of counterfeit banknotes and coins and the automatic rejection of foreign objects. The 5T is available with an ultra flat base version to answer and adapt more to your shop and expectation.

cashmag connect

CASHMAG recyclers are compatible with most cashing softwares thanks to our universal interface. The software interface is places between CASHMAG cash recyclers and any standard cashing system run on Windows™. It acts as a universal translator and enables instant connection without any specific development.

monnayeur cashmag 5T ouvert
Lecteur badge-RFID monnayeur cashmag 5T


Technical specifics


Currencies compatible with our cash reclycler

5T2 5T4
Security Secure access using RFID technology
2-point anti-break-in locking
4 floor attachment points
3 locks 3 locks (1 banknote module / 2 coin module) 4 locks 4 locks (2 banknote module / 2 coin module)
Control Detects fake banknotes and coins and foreign bodies
Installation Fast installation, no technician needed thanks to standalone design
Can be shared between several register
Compatibility Compatible with all cashing softwares
Windows : Without development and immediately
Android, Linux, iOS : thanks to our API to integrate
(H) 1069 x (W) 388 x (D) 567 mm
Weight 56 kg 72 kg
Bank note module 2 recyclable amounts (€5 & €10 or €10 & €20)
2 x 60 banknotes
Banknotes dispensed individually
Cashbox for 400 banknotes
4 recyclable amounts (€5, 10, 20, 50)
2 x 60 banknotes and 2 x 30 banknotes
Dispenses 15 banknotes at a time
Cashbox for 600 banknotes
Coin module Storage and recycler capacity for 4000 coins
Up to 50 coins accepted or dispensed per transaction
Insert 10 coins per second, 6 coins per second dispensed
Origin French design and manufacture
Option Customizable color of the chassis

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